What is Saphari.Net BookTrack?

BookTrack is an on-line web application which runs in any major modern web browser and works similar to the way that Facebook, YouTube or Dropbox does. Modern web browsers can now run fully fledged applications as if they were Desktop applications.

BookTrack enables LTSM\textbook store managers to manage their school’s textbooks using unique identifying barcodes. This enables them to manage and track the whereabouts of a school’s textbooks.

Features & Benefits


  • Label individual textbooks with unique barcodes labels
  • Identify individual textbooks by scanning their unique barcodes with barcode scanners
  • Track the whereabouts of these individual textbooks and know to whom - student or teacher - the textbooks have been assigned, or in which store they are currently being kept
  • Keep track of the usage, age & condition of textbooks
  • Let students sign for textbooks received (This is now a requirement set by the Dept. of Education)
  • View preconfigured reports
  • Export data to Excel spreadsheets for custom filtering and data manipulation


  • Have a complete, searchable, inventory off all your textbooks
  • Prevent financial loss through textbook losses, abuse, or theft
  • Assist in planning the budget and maintaining textbook stock levels
  • Make the mandatory quarterly textbook stock reports required by the Dept. of Education fast, easy & accurate
  • Improve accountability across the board
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